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Carrick Ryan
Discussions in saving Democracy

Carrick Ryan
Feb 4, 20186 min read
How masturbating helped me understand homophobia.
Ok, just bear with me here… for the sake of my family and friends I assure you that this piece is going to be very light on detail on any...
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Carrick Ryan
Feb 1, 20186 min read
5 ways the Political Left must change
The Political Left, which was once the fortress of intelligentsia and academia against the ignorance of the right, is quickly losing...
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Carrick Ryan
Jan 24, 20186 min read
This is what we're celebrating.
It is certainly a sign of collective maturity that we as a people have grown cautious of the notion of Nationalism. Whilst a relatively...
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Carrick Ryan
Jan 16, 20183 min read
Has 'slut shaming' confused the rules of consent?
With the current scandal surround Aziz Ansari assuming the headlines it is clear we have progressed to more complex conversations about...
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Carrick Ryan
Jan 12, 20184 min read
#meNtoo... can men be included in the Feminist Revolution?
There is a revolutionary buzz in the air across the western world. It is not the beginning of a movement, or the end, but more an...
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Carrick Ryan
Jan 4, 20184 min read
The greatest lie we're ever told...
You can be anything you want to be, all you need is to follow your dreams. This is one of the greatest lies ever perpetuated by...
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Carrick Ryan
Dec 30, 20174 min read
Why they shouldn't impeach Trump.
The writing, it would seem, is on the wall. As the respected and experienced Robert Mueller continues his investigation it grows...
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Carrick Ryan
Dec 21, 20173 min read
Can Atheists celebrate Christmas?
I am an atheist. Not just your average unbeliever either, I’m a borderline militant atheist. I actively dislike religion and not only do...
3,352 views2 comments

Carrick Ryan
Dec 15, 20175 min read
BAN THE BURQA! ...and the bikini top.
There is an insidious example of female oppression that curses our otherwise progressive, cohesive, and multi-cultural society. Due to...
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Carrick Ryan
Dec 12, 20177 min read
No, mainstream media has never lied to you. Ever.
As someone who will not be forced to endure the ramifications of Trump’s domestic policies (being an Australian) I am often asked what it...
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Carrick Ryan
Dec 4, 20174 min read
Why we shouldn't worry about Milo.
For anyone struggling to grasp the emergence of the “Alt-Right” movement and the anti-progressive sub-culture there are few more...
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Carrick Ryan
Nov 26, 20177 min read
Why Men Fear Sluts...
It is often said that fear is the most common cause of prejudice, and today there are few more maligned in modern society than she who is...
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